The Rise and Fall Of A Clan

The Rise and Fall Of A Clan

With lots of clans to choose from, it's hard to create your own clan and take it to the top. With the newly open Serpent server, that opportunity to be one of the strongest clans opened up again.

I started playing in the Serpent server and I got my character leveled up for the first token quest. Well, of course I was a newbie and with my brother still loyal to the Dragon server I have no one to help me with my token quest. Then this clan (I wont mention the name but I can give you a clue: They are in the Serpent server. lol) offered to help me. After my token quest, they invited me to join their clan.

It was great being in their clan! They were very helpful. They were fun to be with. We even had our first Territorial War victory together. Some players said we were one of the strongest clans. So came the second Territorial War and we lost but we were still together.

Then came our third defense. I wasn't able to attend the Territorial War because of a trip. When I logged in the game, I found out that our clan was falling apart. The Territorial War was a disaster and some of our mates left. Some were still hanging on. We were busy putting our clan back together but we failed. All our strongest mates transferred. Some never returned.

At first it was a big blow for me because I was so loyal and I miss the friendships I formed in the clan. But later on, I came to accept it. The clan is still there but with new members. I still have communication with my ex-clanmates because they still are my friends after all.

Lesson learned: Clans come and go. Clans aren't always TW active. Sometimes they are just there for friendships to form, to meet new friends, and probably to meet love.

So next time you think of joining a clan, consider what kind of clan you want to join in. And hopefully you will get what you want and you might find a clan that you will be loyal forever.

IGN: LoT24
Server: Serpent
Clan: Ayasam

Edited by Janelh

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