Moon Valley Spears
Credits: Japanese wiki
To view the materials needed for each item, click the weapon name.
Icon | Name | Lvl Req | Str | Dex | Aspd | Attack | Stats | Weapon Type |
95 | 240 | 99 | 1 | 572 - 1188 | Max Attack + 83 Str + 10~11 |
Bladed Polearm | ||
95 | 240 | 99 | 1 | 572 - 1188 | Hit + 30% Str + 16~17 Violent Warrior |
Bladed Polearm |
Divine Spears
Note: Divine spears can be crafted two ways.
1) Through moon valley sword souls
2) Normal crafting means. Yes, divine equipment can be crafted by chance.
Icon | Name | Lvl Req | Str | Dex | Aspd | Attack | Stats | Weapon Type |
100 | 240 | 99 | 1 | 562-1166 | Bladed Polearm |
Attribute Legend
Violent Warrior - A certain probability of making double damage, but would lose 5% of the maximum HP.
Color Legend
Blue - Drops from Dusk Dungeon
Green - Sword Soul