Moon Valley Accessories

Credits: Japanese wiki

To view the materials needed for each item, click the item name.


Charm Necklace

Icon Name Lvl Req Def Stats
★ Spring Summon Charm
95 288 Con + 4~5
Phy Dmg Red +1%
★ Wild Spring Summon Charm
95 288 Max HP + 5%
Con + 5~6
Phy Dmg Red +2%

Colorful Necklace

Icon Name Lvl Req MDef Stats
★ Phoenix Essence Charm
95 288 Con + 4~5
Phy Dmg Red +1%
★ Wild Phoenix Soul Charm
95 288 Max HP + 5%
Con + 5~6
Phy Dmg Red +2%

Flowing Light Necklace

Icon Name Lvl Req Eva Stats
★ Rolling Thunder
95 181 Con + 4~5
Phy Dmg Red +1%
★ Wild Rolling Thunder Charm
95 181 Max HP + 5%
Con + 5~6
Phy Dmg Red +2%



Icon Name Lvl Req Def Stats
★ Breeze Emblem
95 288 Attack + 11~12
Con + 4~5
★ Wild Breeze Emblem
95 288 Attack + 20~21
Con + 4~5
Crit + 1%

Fragrant Purse

Icon Name Lvl Req Mdef Stats
★ Exhaust Emblem
95 288 Matk + 11~12
Con + 4~5
★Wild Exhaust Emblem
95 288 Matk + 20
Con + 4~5
Crit + 1%


Icon Name Lvl Req Eva Stats
★ Chaos Emblem
95 181 Attack + 11~12
Con + 4~5
★ Wild Chaos Emblem
95 181 Attack + 21~22
Con + 4~5
Crit + 1%


Banded Ring

Icon Name Lvl Req Attack Stats
★ Frost Symbol
95 97 Con + 4~5
Crit + 2%
★ Wild Frost Symbol
95 97 Mdef + 200
Crit + 3%
Hit + 50%

Gemstone Ring

Icon Name Lvl Req Matk Stats
★ Preservation Symbol
95 97 Con + 4~5
Crit + 2%
★ Wild Preservation Symbol
95 97 Def + 250
Crit + 3%
Chant - 6%

Color Legend

Blue - Drops from Dusk Dungeon
Green - Sword Soul

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