Dragon September Territorial War Schedule

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Holy.JPG - HolyOrder
Celestial.JPG - Method
badboys.JPG - Aruan's
Celestial.JPG - Celestial
decima.PNG - MaHaRoT
Heritage.JPG - Carnage
Holy1.JPG - Heritage
Lotus.JPG - T Y R


Holy.JPG - HolyOrder
badboys.JPG - Aruan's
Celestial.JPG - Celestial
decima.PNG - MaHaRoT
Heritage.JPG - Carnage
Holy1.JPG - Heritage
Lotus.JPG - T Y R
salawayun.JPG - Shadowrun

Territorial War Schedule

Territory Defender Invader Min Bid Battle Time End Owner
Aroma Hill MaHaRoT URAGONS 5,100,000 Sept 5, 8:03 pm MaHaRoT
Beast City Celestial * * * Celestial
Black Mountain Holy Order Warrior's 500,000 Sept 7, 8:15 pm Holy Order
Burial Ground Heritage Heritage 30,000,000 Sept 7, 8:18 pm Heritage
Carefree Path Celestial Holy Order 130,300,000 Sept 6, 9:03 am Celestial
Desert Sea Holy Order Holy0rder 80,000,100 Sept 5, 8:09 pm Holy Order
Desolate Mt. Carnage * * * Carnage
Doom City MaHaRoT Method 5,100,000 Sept 6, 8:00 pm MaHaRoT
Dragon Land Celestial Aesteru™ 1,000,000 Sept 7, 2:06 pm Celestial
Dragon Slope Holy Order Celestial 20,000,000 Sept 6, 8:12 pm Celestial
Dream Mountain T Y R MaHaRoT 7,300,000 Sept 7, 2:18 pm T Y R
Dream Port MaHaRoT * * * MaHaRoT
Feather City Holy Order * * * Holy Order
Fire Village Aruan's Genocide 30,000,000 Sept 6, 8:18 pm Aruan's
Foggy Jungle MaHaRoT MaHaRoT 200,000,000 Sept 6, 2:00 pm MaHaRoT
Frostbite Land Celestial Soulless™ 600,000 Sept 6, 2:03 pm Celestial
Great Wall Celestial MARRY 500,000 Sept 7, 2:00 pm Celestial
Green Wave Carnage Levi†icus 500,000 Sept 7, 2:12 pm Carnage
Hades Land Method Carnage 25,000,000 Sept 5, 8:18 pm Carnage
High-wind Carnage Carnage 10,000,000 Sept 6, 2:18 pm Carnage
Icebound Land Celestial WILL 500,000 Sept 6, 2:06 pm Celestial
King-Yu Tripod Holy Order Brethen 1,000,000 Sept 5, 8:15 pm Holy Order
Lantern Mt. MaHaRoT Hyksos 40,000,000 Sept 6, 8:06 pm MaHaRoT
Lili Prairie Celestial ME 500,000 Sept 7, 2:03 pm Celestial
Nanping Hill Holy Order PRODIGY 500,000 Sept 7, 8:09 pm Holy Order
Orchid Valley MaHaRoT Phoenix 200,000,000 Sept 7, 8:00 pm MaHaRoT
Peach Blossom MaHaRoT Shadowrun 200,000,000 Sept 7, 8:03 pm Shadowrun
Silk Mountain Holy Order ArChDeViL 90,000,100 Sept 6, 8:09 pm Holy Order
Sky Cliff Holy Order Judges 1,000,000 Sept 6, 8:15 pm Holy Order
Sky Lake MaHaRoT Q(",Q)9 5,100,000 Sept 5, 8:06 pm MaHaRoT
Snowslide Celestial YOU 500,000 Sept 6, 2:09 pm Celestial
Soulless Swamp MaHaRoT T Y R 200,000,000 Sept 7, 8:06 pm T Y R
Square Village MaHaRoT Sanctius 5,200,000 Sept 6, 8:03 pm MaHaRoT
Sunset Plateau Carnage ReneGaDe 10,000,000 Sept 7, 2:15 pm Carnage
Swan Mountain Holy Order DavidCook 2,000,000 Sept 5, 8:12 pm Holy Order
Sword City Carnage * * * Carnage
Trade-wind Town Carnage Warmen™ 500,000 Sept 7, 2:09 pm Carnage
Victory Prairie Carnage ZeroHour 500,000 Sept 6, 2:15 pm Carnage
Water-side Vill MaHaRoT Lotus 8,100,000 Sept 5, 8:00 pm MaHaRoT
Weak Water Celestial Q(",Q)1 902,001 Sept 6, 9:00 am Celestial
White Mountain Holy Order GODDESS™ 500,000 Sept 7, 8:12 pm Holy Order
Wood Mountain Carnage VoiDWaR 1,000,000 Sept 6, 2:12 pm Carnage
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